展覽資訊 / 當期展覽
2024.10.11~ 2025.02.09


10.11 (五)
02.09 (日)



清道光37 月(1823年),一場颱風豪雨造成漚汪溪(現曾文溪)被迫改道,夾帶大量泥沙導致臺江內海的淤積。20247月,凱米颱風肆虐,大水淹出了曾經的海港形狀。水與陸地的消長,邊界的浮動,兩個時空疊合的遇見,水帶回消失的記憶。這些傳說裏歷經滄海桑田的海河港變遷,以及層疊交錯卻逐漸消逝的土地記憶,讓駐村期間的我充滿好奇與想像。


In July of 1823, during the 3rd year of the Daoguang Emperor's reign, a typhoon brought heavy rains that forced the Ouwang River (now the Zengwen River) to change its course, carrying massive amounts of sediment that caused the silting of the Taijiang Inner Sea. In July of 2024, Typhoon Kemi ravaged the area, and the floodwaters revealed the shape of the once-thriving harbor. The ebb and flow of water and land, the shifting borders, and the encounter of two overlapping time periods—water brought back long-lost memories. These tales of rivers, seas, and harbors, shaped by vast transformations of land and water, and the gradually fading layers of memory of the land, fueled my curiosity and imagination during my residency.

One summer morning, I retraced the ancient boundaries, walking along the village’s edges, stepping into the levees and cross-dykes. As I gazed around, the sound of flowing water echoed in my ears and mind. Before me, everything was coated in mud, like the land covered by a blanket of fresh snow. The flood-retention ponds, left exposed by the receding waters, bore the marks of their submersion. In the distance, groynes seemed to summon images of the Japanese colonial period. The vanished landscape, hidden behind the passing years and forgotten history, was unexpectedly revealed after the typhoon. Objects, events, and landscapes from different times converged and overlapped in that moment.

Time washes everything away, slowly erasing what once was. Yet, the landscapes that once existed, like memories, have never truly disappeared...