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2025總爺國際藝術村全球徵件OPEN Call

◐●2025總爺國際藝術村徵件 ●◐
(for English, please scroll down)
報名網址: https://air-culture.tainan.gov.tw/zh/rules/4
主題為「現地製作藝術」(Site-Specific Art),藝術家可參考臺南地區之水文(河川流域及水利系統等)、地文(考古、土壤、氣象、地形變化)、生文(水域生物、陸域生物、植物相等)、人文(原住民、農民、流域民、生態民等)等脈絡進行藝術創作。

  • 申請類別:不限定藝術類別。
  • 申請者需具備英文或中文的語言溝通能力。
  • 申請者須依據駐村主題規劃駐村創作計畫,以現地製作方式進行創作,並融合總爺歷史古蹟建築籌備展演。

僅接受網路報名,更多細節請見 https://air-culture.tainan.gov.tw/zh/rules/4

2025 Artist in Residence program OPEN CALL for 2025 Tsung-yeh Artist Village

Online Application: https://air-culture.tainan.gov.tw/en/rules/4 (only accept online applications)
Submission deadline: 2nd September 2024 (Taiwan time)
Resident period: 3rd of February on 2025-30th of September on 2025*The minimum residence is 45 days, with a maximum of 90 days per applicant.

Theme for 2025
The theme for 2025 is “Site-Specific Art”. Artists shall observe the following contexts of Tainan City before creating works. The hydrology (including river basin and water management system), physiography (archaeological studies, soil, meteorology, or topographical variations), ecology (aquatic, amphibian, and terrestrial fauna and flora in the area), humanities (indigenous, agricultural, river-related, or ecology-related culture).
Disciplines:All forms of artistic expression are acceptable.
All applicants must communicate in English, Chinese.
Applicants are required to plan their residency projects based on the theme of the residency, create their works in the form of on-site specific production, and prepare for the exhibition by integrating the historical heritage buildings of Tsung-yeh Arts and Cultural Center.
For more detail, please visit: