國際藝術村 / 駐村藝術家

Eunsook Lee



Eunsook Lee 擁有弘益大學美術碩士學位和韓國梨花女子大學美術學士學位。 她的藝術作品從紡織藝術開始,後來擴展到裝置藝術,主要結合纖維、聚酯和黑光等多種媒介。 Lee 的作品是通過從無序中創造秩序,以她自己的方式詮釋她的世界的過程。 她的作品通過在棉線等織物的主體上添加熒光材料來營造一種幻想。 她的作品曾在眾多公共項目和展覽中展出,包括 Schnoor Street(不來梅)、海港城(香港)、現代藝術博物館(首爾)、Festival of Light(柏林)、濟貧院博物館(弗吉尼亞)和 Art Mora( 紐約)。 Lee 贏得了許多榮譽,包括 AHL 基金會舉辦的 2015 年當代視覺藝術大賽第一名,以及在賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡舉辦的 Fiberarts International '97 創新材料使用大賽。

Eunsook Lee has a master’s degree in Fine Arts from the Hongik University and a BFA in Fine Arts from Ewha Womans University in Korea. Her artwork began with textile arts yet has expanded to installations, mainly incorporating diverse media such as fiber, polyester, and blacklight. Lee's work is a process of interpreting her world in her own terms by creating order from disorder. Her works conjure up a fantasy by adding the fluorescent material to the main subject of fabric such as cotton thread. Her works have been exhibited in numerous public projects and exhibitions including Schnoor Street (Bremen), Harbor City (Hong Kong), Museum of Modern Art (Seoul), Festival of Light (Berlin), Workhouse Museum (Virginia), and Art Mora (NewYork). Lee has won many recognitions including the First Place in the 2015 Contemporary Visual Art Competition by the AHL Foundation, and Innovative Use of Materials at Fiberarts International '97 in Pittsburg, PA.






Thread - Light - relationship

During I am here at Tsung-Yeh Arts and Culture Center Residency, I have a relationship with my surroundings.  Especially the daily life of people around here.  I work on the theme of relationships with everything I experience. 

Take pictures of what I experience, print them, and put them together with threads. Also, put the letters of proverbs with the thread.  These materials are made into a transparent film and made into a three-dimensional object.

Transparent three-dimensional objects are installed together with lighting to create a new space.