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2024.03.27~ 2024.06.16

【總爺國際藝術駐村計畫】Hendra Priyadhani創作個展《麻豆農景》

03.27 (三)
06.16 (日)

【總爺國際藝術駐村計畫】Hendra Priyadhani創作個展《麻豆農景》


Agricultural Scene is capturing a portrait of something important in life, namely food. And Madou District in Tainan is the perfect place to dig deeper into this knowledge. Since time immemorial it has been an important place to support Taiwan's economy. The land is fertile because the area is well irrigated from the large Zeng-wen river. Currently, not many young people are paying attention to agriculture. Food is easy to get, starting from various modern facilities such as supermarkets to online shops. There is a knowledge gap in the food production process that we know little about. Starting from planting, maintenance, harvesting until the food is ready to be served on our table.